Ultra Solutions, Inc was established in 2014 and was designed to influence consequential outcomes for people and businesses by developing better leaders.

Brian Von Herbulis Founder/CEO

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Brian knows how to develop better leaders and build stronger teams that achieve consequential results. For over 25 years he has been helping people and companies maximize their potential. He spent nearly 17 years leading special operations units while serving in the military and he applies that experience in unique ways to help others become better leaders.

Since retiring from active military service in 2014, Brian has become a successful entrepreneur, leadership coach, consultant, and non-profit leader. He has optimized the performance of people and businesses across a wide array of industries including startups, non-profits, and well-established corporations.

He possesses a Master’s Degree in Business Administration and a Certificate in Executive Leadership Coaching.

Personal Mission Statement: Be honorable, seek adventure, and enrich the lives of others.